Master Foundation Application: 5 Pro Tutorials

Whether you prefer applying your foundation with a brush, with a sponge, or with your fingers, this collection of tutorials will teach you how to apply foundation and concealer correctly for a flawless face. You don't need to be a beginner to reap the benefits for these videos - there are tips for even the most seasoned makeup artist here!

If you want to know how to apply foundation, you’ve come to the right place.

You see, I’ve been really struggling with my foundation routine lately.

I don’t know if it’s the change in weather, the fact that I’ve been sleeping less and drinking more, or if it’s because I finally cleaned the mirrors in my bathroom, but I often find my foundation is either melting off my face, or caking in the corners of my nose, around my t-zone, and underneath my eyes by the end of the day.

It’s horrendous.

Of course, I tried playing around with different moisturizers, foundations, brushes, and beauty blenders, but I finally came to the realization that (once again) I needed professional help.

So I turned to YouTube and, as it turns out, I wasn’t using the right foundation for my skin type, and while I have the right application tools in my makeup bag (I love my Sigma Beauty Essential Kit!), my technique for each of them was all wrong.

The good news is, I’ve finally learned how to apply foundation properly, and today I’m sharing 5 of the best tutorials I found on YouTube to teach YOU how to apply foundation like a pro, too. I’ve also put together a little ‘Foundation Look Book’ featuring my favorite foundation and application tools. I use these in conjunction with the tips from the makeup tutorials below and get a flawless look every. single. time.

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The Best 10 Foundations Ever! by Makeup Geek

Whether you’ve got dry or oily skin, have lots of money in the bank, or count your pennies before you go to bed each night, this is a FANTASTIC tutorial to help you choose the best foundation for you! I actually took Makeup Geek’s advice and bought Revlon ColorStay Makeup (her #1 recommendation), and it has done WONDERS for my look. I’m serious!

10 Different Ways to Apply Foundation by gossmakeupartist

I love love love this tutorial! Not only does it reaffirm what I already suspected (fingers work better than any foundation brush!), but it also taught me some great techniques and brushes to try. I use a combination of my fingers, my Sigma F80 Beauty Flat Kabuki Brush, and my beautyblender, and the result is almost always flawless using these techniques!

Foundation & Concealer Routine by Jaclyn Hill

I love all of Jaclyn’s tutorials because she makes me SO EXCITED about makeup, and I particularly liked this one because she taught me the importance of applying my foundation AFTER my eyeshadow. She also taught me why I shouldn’t apply ANY creams to my face after I’ve set my foundation with powder, which explains the caking I was experiencing. Also? Her Sigma Flat Top Kabuki Brush recommendation has been a life-changer for me. Thanks, Jaclyn!

My Current Foundation Routine by Carli Bybel

This is a quick tutorial that teaches you techniques to apply flawless foundation and concealer, and it also gives you some great pointers and products to use for contouring. I was so happy to see Carli uses REVLON Photoready Airbrush Mousse Makeup on her face as I cannot say enough great things about this product!

Mastering Foundation and Concealer Tutorial by gossmakeupartist

You all know how much I love Wayne Goss, and this tutorial does NOT disappoint. Not only does he teach you how to apply foundation and concealer, but he also shows you the difference between using a foundation brush and using your fingers to achieve the flawless look we all know and love!

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If you found these tutorials helpful, please share them on Pinterest!

And if you’re looking for more make-up related tips and tricks, please follow our Beauty board where we share all kind of fabulousness!

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